Piñones State Forest,
Loíza, Puerto Rico
© 2014 Piñones State Forest
The Piñones State Forest has a variety of natural resources, one of them being the mangroves.
Mangroves represent 70 of the flora in this forest. Represented by 4 species : red mangrove ( Rizophora mangle) , white mangrove ( Laguncularia racemosa ) , black mangrove ( Avicennia germinans ) and button mangrove (Conocarpus erectus) .
This forest is part of the largest natural mangrove system in Puerto Rico.
They provide habitat for a wide diversity of wildlife and refuge for valued species for fishing.
serve as nesting place for a number of resident and migratory species.
They are a source of organic and inorganic matter for marine species.
Regulate surface flow of rainwater, thus reducing the effect of flooding and land erosion .
Serve as evapotranspirators and supply moisture to the atmosphere, thus being natural cooling source to the surrounding communities.
They are sources of oxygen.